Talks and Folks

Training "How Unconscious Biases Rule the World"

Discover how the subconscious mind influences our decisions, behavior, and daily lives.

About the training

This interactive and dynamic training will provide valuable insights into the complex world of cognitive biases, empowering participants to make better decisions, improve interpersonal interactions, and enhance overall organizational effectiveness.

During this intensive one-day training, participants will explore the fascinating world of unconscious biases that influence human behavior, decision-making, and problem-solving. Through engaging information, dynamic activities, and real-world case studies, we will uncover the cognitive shortcuts and mental patterns that unintentionally affect our perceptions, judgments, and actions.

By developing a deep awareness of these biases and tendencies, participants will be empowered to mitigate their impact, make more rational choices, and foster a culture of effectiveness, openness, and inclusivity within their own companies.

Participants will have the opportunity to create their own action plan to help them identify which unconscious biases need to be focused on and given special attention, i.e., which ones are most prominent in their behavior.

Training topics:

  1. Introduction to Unconscious Bias: Understanding the role of bias in shaping human perceptions and behavior.

  2. Common unconscious biases in the workplace: What types of biases exist and what effects do they have?

  3. Overcoming cognitive biases: Strategies for recognizing and mitigating biases for more rational decision-making.

  4. The impact of unconscious biases on communication: How biases affect communication styles and techniques for improving mutual understanding and collaboration.

  5. Feedback and performance impact: Recognizing unconscious biases when giving feedback and evaluations, and ensuring a fair evaluation process.

  6. Unconscious bias and leadership: Navigating the challenges of leadership by developing self-awareness and promoting an inclusive corporate culture.

  7. Creating a bias-free workplace: Implementing practical steps to create an environment that minimizes bias and fosters diversity and creativity.


Specific Biases Covered in the Workshop:


  1. Confirmation bias: The tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information that confirms or supports one’s prior beliefs or values.

  2. Availability heuristic: Relying on easily remembered information or examples when making judgments or decisions.

  3. Halo effect: Forming a general impression of a person, brand, or entity based on a single characteristic or experience.

  4. Anchoring bias: The tendency to rely heavily on the first piece of information offered when making decisions.

  5. Overconfidence bias: Overestimating one’s own abilities, knowledge, or accuracy of predictions.

  6. Bandwagon effect: The tendency to do or believe something because many other people do.

  7. Sunk cost fallacy: The tendency to continue investing in something because of previously invested resources, even when it is no longer rational to do so.

  8. Self-serving bias: Attributing one’s successes to internal factors and one’s failures to external factors.

  9. Fundamental attribution error: The tendency to overemphasize personal characteristics and underemphasize situational factors when explaining other people’s behavior.

  10. Recency effect: The tendency to weigh recent events more heavily than earlier events.

  11. Status quo bias: The preference for the current state of affairs.

  12. Stereotyping: Generalizing about a group of people based on one’s perceptions of that group.

  13. Dunning-Kruger effect: The tendency for unskilled individuals to overestimate their own ability.

  14. Loss aversion: The tendency to prefer avoiding losses to acquiring equivalent gains.

  15. Negativity bias: The tendency to focus on the negative aspects of a situation.

About the trainers

Dragomir Kojić is a highly skilled professional with a broad educational background and extensive experience in analytical psychology, psychotherapy, law, and business consulting. He holds a degree in analytical psychology from the C.G. Jung Institute in Zurich and is currently completing his doctoral studies at the Sigmund Freud University in Vienna.

Dragomir combines his skills and knowledge to uncover and harness the potential of the unconscious mind. In addition, as a Senior Director at Karanovic&Partners, a leading law firm in the region, he oversees business consulting, mediation, mentoring, and human resources management.

Dušan Basalo is the founder and CEO of Talks and Folks. Dušan served two terms on the Board of Directors of the Serbian Association of Managers (SAM), a total of six years, and is also the founder of the SAM Academy and its mentorship program.

With over 18 years of experience as a trainer and coach, Dušan is certified in a variety of methodologies that he applies in his work. These include the Persona Global methodology (San Francisco), SHL psychometric tools (London), coaching skills (Erickson College Vancouver), and NLP training (IN-NLP Hamburg).

The majority of Dušan’s clients are teams and individuals in top management positions from over 180 companies.

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