Talks and Folks

From 23rd to 27th of November we took part in the HR Week Conference, the largest regional HR event that gathered 196 professionals in this area. Each day we had interesting and insightful interviews with the mentors from our agency:

  1. Strategic HR Day – Mihailo Jankovic (CEO at Nektar)
  2. People-Centric HR Day – Natasa Nikolic (EMEIA EY Entrepreneurial Winning Women Program Lead)
  3. Innovative HR Day – Milan Petrovic (Founder and CEO)
  4. HR Development Day – Marko Jevtic (Executive Producer at Nordeus)
  5. C Level Day – Ksenija Karic (CEO at Schneider Electric)

All of the interviews were led by our CEO Dusan Basalo, who also had his keynote “Why a CHR never becomes a CEO” on the last day of this phenomenal conference. We had an amazing time during the HR Week and already look forward to the next one.

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